A Guide To Giving Roses

Regardless of the occasion, roses are commonly given as a symbol of affection. This type of flower comes in a wide variety of colors and shades. It is important to note that the right combination of color and number can convey a strong message. If you are intending to give a special someone a bouquet, you should consider learning more about the different meanings. This way, your efforts of giving a rose will not be put in vain or misunderstood.

The rose has had a long and colorful history. In ancient times, Romans used roses to welcome guests. Visitors were warmly received in homes showered with petals or offered with wine laced with rose petals. The same practice was said to be followed in Egypt. Records indicate that Cleopatra welcomed Mark Anthony by filling the room knee-high with rose petals. More recent practices rarely call for welcoming a guest in such a way. Although they are still used during special events and occasions, the message and meaning lies more on the color and the number of blooms being offered.

Over time, different cultures have learned to develop and grow roses in varying shades and colors. Each conveys its own distinct message. For instance, the bright red rose commonly makes it appearance during Valentine’s Day as it symbolizes love, passion, beauty and respect. Pink buds are given as a token of appreciation and gratitude. ON the other hand, white blooms are common during weddings as they represent purity and innocence. In the past, yellow roses have become a symbol for jealousy. Eventually, their message has differed significantly to symbolize friendship, joy and a new beginning. If you fell in love at first sight, consider giving lavender rose buds. For business matters or to indicate that you are interested in pursuing the relationship further, sending a bouquet of orange roses is appropriate. Offering a blue rose is an indication that the person is unattainable while in some cultures, giving a black rose means death or a means to say farewell.

It is also interesting to note that you can mix some colors together. For instance, mixing red and yellow blooms indicate that you are feeling happy and jovial while combining red and white together represents unity. A rose naturally comes with thorns. If you manage to find and give a thorn-less one, this indicates that you fell in love at first sight.

Take note of the number of buds you give as this also gives a clear message of your intentions. A single rose tells the person that he/she is the one. Give two indicates mutual feelings. Three stands for “I Love You.” Five blooms shows that you love the person more than he or she can imagine. A bouquet of six is used to signify that you are crying out for attention. Be careful of choosing seven as it means that you are merely infatuated. If you have wronged the person, a bouquet of 15 roses means that you are sorry for what you have done. A bouquet of 99 or 100 blooms is an indication of your undying love. If you are feeling really generous, a bouquet 999 roses symbolizes everlasting love.